What is a 'Rate alert' feature? How does it work?

Customer can request for daily rate alerts and rate alerts for a particular rate value as well. Alerts will be sent to you on your Email ID & Mobile number. For Daily rate updates, alerts will be sent to you every morning at 11 AM IST.

Here's how you can get rate alerts

For Logged in Users

➢ Go to the 'Exchange rates' tab on the 'Home' page

Click here to set up the rate alerts

For Non-Logged in Users

➢ Click on 'Get Rate alerts' on RemitMoney home page (www.remitmoney.com)

➢ Screenshot required

➢ Check box on the type of rate alert that you want to receive. You can select the exact rate at which you want the alert by entering the corresponding INR value for the alert

'Click here'

➢ A pop up will open. Enter your Email & Phone number, then click on 'Stop alert' to stop the rate alerts from RemitMoney

Click here to set up the rate alerts

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