Can I cancel my transaction and get a refund?

Yes, you can cancel a transaction within 30 minutes of transaction booking by following the below steps:

  • On the 'Receipt' page, click on 'Edit or Cancel payment' button to Cancel the payment

  • Or click on 'Edit or Cancel payment' button to Cancel the payment in the 'Payment history' section

  • Refund if applicable will be communicated to the customer on RemitMoney site, Registered Email & phone number
Please note: If a transaction is not processed due to any incorrect details provided to us by the remitter and a refund has been initiated for that transaction because of the same, then any exchange rate difference at the time of refund has to be borne by the remitter.

Security Check

Current Login : IST
Last Login : IST
If you do not recognize this login, please review your transaction history for discrepancies and contact us immediately